Fictitious Business Name

Any person who regularly transacts business for profit under a fictitious name in the County of San Diego is required to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement with the County Clerk within 40 days of first transacting business.

An FBN Statement can only be filed in person or by mail because an original, wet-ink signature is required. Because of its importance, we strongly recommend registrants file IN PERSON.

  1. General Info
  2. In Person
  3. By Mail
  4. Copies
  5. FBN Records Search
  6. Forms
  7. FAQs

What is an FBN?

A Fictitious Business Name (FBN) is a business name that does not include the surname of the individual owner and/or EACH of the partners, or the nature of the business is not clearly evident by the name. For example, doing business under a name like:

“Eisenberg & Yandall Associates” or “Eisenberg & Yandall Sons”

would require an FBN to be registered. Even though the surname of the owner is stated, the words following the surname suggest other owners that are not specifically named.

However, doing business under a name like:

“Teresa Fiske Plumbing”

would not require an FBN to be registered because the owner (Teresa Fiske) is conducting business under her legal name.

For Corporations or Limited Liability Corporations, a Fictitious Business Name is ANY name OTHER than the EXACT corporate name as stated in the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State.

Instructions before you file:

Keep in mind:

Although registration of an FBN is required, the County Clerk’s office serves ONLY as the central depository of these names, neither approving nor disapproving a particular name, and CANNOT accept responsibility for omissions, similarities, or duplications among the FBNs on file.

FBNs are filed only in the county where the business is located. Statewide registries do not exist. All prospective registrants are cautioned that registration of a fictitious name DOES NOT guarantee exclusive use of that name.

To determine if a particular business name is currently registered or to research the name of the owner(s) of a particular business, you may conduct an FBN Records Search in person or online, or request the information by mail for a fee.

How to file:

Conduct an FBN Records Search to ensure the name you intend to file is not already registered.

Review the instructions before filing. (See General Info tab)

Complete the FBN Statement application:

Valid government-issued photo ID is required for all in-person submissions, including for third parties and authorized agents filing on behalf of the registrant.


Fees are payable by cash, check or money order, or credit/debit card.
An additional $2.50 surcharge is applicable for card payments.

Check or money order payable to: San Diego Recorder/County Clerk.


This service is not available at our Kearny Mesa Office. Instead, you may register an FBN at any of our other office locations including; downtown San Diego, Chula Vista, Santee, and San Marcos. An appointment is not required.

How to file:

Conduct an FBN Records Search to ensure the name you intend to file is not already registered.

Review the instructions before filing. (See General Info tab)

Complete the FBN Statement: