Preparation for adulthood scheme of work

This resource is a discovery document that is specifically related to work and supporting someone to find a job.

Vocational profile

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One Page Profile

A tool to help those who support young people to better understand what matters to them, what they are good at and how to provide great support.

One page profile

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Let's Be Clear (So Employers Know What You Are Asking For)

This brief document seeks to add some clarity about what we mean when we are approaching employers for work opportunities for young people with special educational needs or a disability (SEND).

Lets Be Clear So Employers Know What You Are Asking For

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Employment Pathways Toolkit: Self Assessment Tool for Local Authority Areas

A toolkit to enable local areas to assess the extent of the data being collected on young people’s progress into paid employment.

Pf A resource employment toolkit

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Job Coach Skills Audit

A skills audit to develop effective practice in Supported Internships.

<a href=Job Coach Skills Audit Tool" />

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Still Recruiting for Business, Part 1

The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on 03 December 2020.

Still Recruting Part 1

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Still Recruiting for Business, Part 2

The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on 14 January 2021.

Still recruiting 2

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Still Recruiting for Business, Part 3

The PfA team delivered an online conference about employment opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on on 25 February 2021.

Still recruiting 3

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Georgie & Tiny Steps: Employment Journey & Top Tips

This case study and accompanying podcasts look at how Georgie secured an apprenticeship during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how a combination of her talents, motivation and a supportive employer has seen her flourish in the role.

Georgie Tiny Steps

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Embedded Job Coach, Barts Health NHS Trust

Case study about Barts Health NHS Trust's embedded job coach.

Embedded Job Coach

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Project SEARCH, Royal United Hospitals Bath

The Royal United Hospital (RUH) was one of the first hospitals to adopt the Project SEARCH supported internship programme in the UK. In this video, Avril Mendel (Associate, NDTi) interviews Simon Andrews (Divisional Director of Nursing for Surgery, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust).

Project SEARCH

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Case Study: Making the SEND Reforms Work

Commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation, NDTi has produced two case study videos showcasing how local authorities and further education providers work together to support learners with SEND

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Better off in Work

This short guide aims to support employers and education providers (e.g. schools and colleges) to understand that with effective partnership working, the barriers that currently prevent young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from accessing work experience, can be broken down to ensure that lives can be changed; one experience at a time.

Better off in Work

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Nathan’s Employment Journey

This case study explores how Nathan secured a job and his return to work following COVID-19 restrictions.

Nathans Employment Journey

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Dudley College & Employer Engagement

This case study looks at Dudley College of Technology’s Supported Internship programme, and how they have maintained communication during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dudley College Employer Engagement

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Alex's Experience of Project SEARCH

Alex talks about having a Supported Internship through Project Search. Her mum, Lesley, shares the positive impact employment has had on Alex and the whole family..

Alexs Experience of Project SEARCH

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Case Study : SEND Employment embedded in Education

A series of videos from Castle School talking to us about how their World of Work programme ensures that young people with SEND are supported throughout their education to achieve meaningful employment.

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PfA Showcase & Celebration

On 11 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online event to showcase not only what the PfA team has achieved, but also to celebrate some of the fantastic things that are going on around the country to support young people with additional needs to have a good life.


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Working Towards a Better Life

On 09 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online employment conference.

Working towards a better life

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Increasing Successful Employment Outcomes

On 11 February 2022, the PfA team delivered an online employment conference for the North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humberside regions which explored about collaboration, partnership and evidence of what works.

Increasing successful employment outcomes

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Employment Webinar

A PfA employment-focused event which took place on 22 June 2021 to explore how to support young people with additional needs into employment.

Employment webinar

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Supporting Self Employment & Innovation

On 25 March 2021, the PfA team deliver two sessions about supporting young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) into employment.

Supporting self employment

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Case Study: Making the SEND Reforms Work

Commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation, NDTi has produced two case study videos showcasing how local authorities and further education providers work together to support learners with SEND

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Ruth's Top Tips - brilliant meetings with young people

A resource about how to make meetings accessible for everyone.

Ruths top tips image

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It's My Life - Peter

Peter talks about his aspirations and ideas for the future. This video provides inspiration when thinking about sessions on outcomes and preparing for annual reviews.

Its My Life Peter

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A Creative Journey into Employment (Sterre Ploeger)

Sterre is Director of Act Up! Newham, which is her own inclusive theatre company; Sterre’s video focuses on how she achieved this and her aspirations for the future.

A Creative Journey into Employment Sterre Ploeger

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Post 16 Checklist

This checklist has been developed to give leaders and others in local areas a guide to what they should have in place to ensure that young people receive the support they need to move into adulthood with good lives.

Post 16 Checklist

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Working with a Job Coach

A good supported employment agency is there to help employers navigate the process, providing support and practical guidance along the way.

Working with a Job Coach

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Employers Guide to Employing People with a Learning Disability

A great example from Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities on employing people with a learning disability.

Employers Guide to Employing People with a Learning Disability

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Supported Internships Questionnaire

Following a Supported Internships survey we heard from 72 regional organisations

Supported Internships Questionnaire

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Robert's Journey at GSK

A video case study of a supported internship and inclusive apprenticeship at GSK.

Roberts Journey at GSK

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Work Experience That Works

This short guide aims to support employers and education providers (e.g. schools and colleges) to understand that with effective partnership working, the barriers that currently prevent young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from accessing work experience, can be broken down to ensure that lives can be changed; one experience at a time.

Shes Leaving Home

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Visual Case Study: Sterre Ploeger

A graphic representation of Sterre Ploeger's story of her journey into Employment.

Visual Case Study Sterre

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Routes into Work Guide

This guide provides information about options for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to help them move into paid employment.

Routes into work

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