Cod lab report conclusion

Lab 5:
Chemical Oxygen Demand

Reading Assignment

Read pages 58-59 and 106 in Basic Laboratory Procedures for Wastewater Examination.

The Chemical Oxygen Demand , or COD , is a measurement of the amount of material that can be oxidized (combined with oxygen) in the presence of a strong chemical oxidizing agent. Since the COD test can be performed rapidly, it is often used as a rough approximation of the water's BOD, even though the COD test measures some additional organic matter (such as cellulose) which is not normally oxidized by biological action. As with the BOD test, the COD test is reported as mg/L of oxygen used.

The table below shows the normal range of COD found in various kinds of domestic wastewater. Keep in mind that the addition of industrial waste can cause these values to vary widely.

Normal COD range, mg/L
Plant influent
300 - 700
Primary effluent
200 - 400
Trickling filter effluent
45 - 130
Activated sludge effluent
30 - 70
Advanced waste treatment effluent
5 - 15

Caution: The presence of minute traces of organic matter on the equipment will cause large errors in the test results. So clean all equipment thoroughly before using.